Friday, June 29, 2012


I had a weigh in and body measurements done today. I have lost a total of 14 lbs and 19 inches from my body. I could go into specifics but I just don't feel like it right now. I'm stoked though.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Two ounces

This week is not a great week. I'm not hungry or anything but I only lost two ounces of weight. Guess that pickle/ celery stick binge was a bad thing, huh. Next week will be better...

All of my hard work and stress had paid off I passed my nursing boards do I am officially and RN now

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spaghetti Arms

As I sit and wright this after my walk this morning I have 3 hrs and 45 minutes until my NCLEX exam.  I'm guzzling my water after my 38 minute walk on my usual route.  I stopped my stop watch after I reached the play ground  and decided to attempt to hang upside down on the bar to allow my spine to stretch because ever since I pulled a muscle a few days ago my neck has been stiff. 

Well, I couldn't even lift myself up on the bar.  Then I attempted the monkey bars and I couldn't even drag my heavy butt across but one rung.  How sad is that??  So sad.  I could do this when I was a kid and now I have no upper body strength!  This will have to be fixed! I ended up taking a 5 minute swing on the swing.

I've gotta run now and review test taking strategy's before I take a shower and get ready.  Gotta leave at 12:30 to be there by 1:30 (test begins at 2pm) and It will take 36 minutes to get there according to My Waze application on my iPhone.  I plan to eat my lean and green meal for lunch today to give me good fuel for my exam.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In less than 24 hours....

In less than 24 hours I will take the NCLEX nursing exam which will determine my future career prospects.

In less than 24 hours will have another credential after my name.

In less than 24 hours I have managed to derail my whole weightloss effort.

Why? Well....

I went today to study with one of my classmates over at the college. I ate my Medifast breakfast as usual. Then I left for the college. Right as I turn into the campus I realize that I left my medifast food at home. I couldn't go back as I was right on time to meet my friend. After two hours I was hungry for lunch. Being a college the fare is, let me just say, not the best or most nutritious. The only salad available was Caesar. I ordered a veggie burger with no bun but they were out of veggie patty's. So I ordered a cheese burger without the bun and no french fries. I knew it wouldn't be a lean ground beef burger and infact it wasn't. They serve in a paper basket and the wax paper underneath the patty was pretty greasy.

To make matters worse, I told the guy to throw in a vitamin water on my bill and I would grab it after I paid. Well, when I finally got to the case to get it I discovered there were NO vitamin water ZERO. So, I picked the one with the least carbs (Spark grape/ blueberry) and drank half of it.

When I got home at 2pm I discovered I was already up to 673 calories and more fat than I have eaten in weeks. Ugh. AND I'm pretty sure I didn't lose any weight this week.

On a good note, I survived three tough days at work.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Milestone 1

I hit a mile stone in weight loss today.  I am down 10lbs total!! I am proud of myself for hanging in there with the medifast plan!


My husband and I are both on the Medifast plan and he made up an amazing "fajita" recipe that is basically in line with Medifast "lean and green" meal.

*12 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast
*blackening seasoning
*One Red Pepper, chopped into strips
*one half onion chooped into thick strips
* Medium salsa
*Butter (butterhead) lettuce leaves
*Hot sauce (Tobasco Green or chipotle)
*Veggie Shredds Cheddar Flavor

He basically cooked the onion, pepper and chicken. We wrapped it all in a butter lettuce leaf (bends easily) and dressed it with the salsa

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another Terrible Sunday

I had the weekend off this past weekend and my Sunday was terrible diet wise. I woke up way too early. So I was tired. Hubby and I ran some errands that day.

Nothing would satisfy my hunger at all. I was constantly hungry. I ate several sticks of celery and about 4 fill pickle spears (about 2 more pickle spears and six more celery sticks than I'm supposed to have). I couldn't finish my "lean and green" meal because my stomach couldn't handle it. I felt so bad I had to just lay down. Is it any coincidence that I took a dose of Metformin the night before just like after my last terrible Sunday? I think not.

I felt better the next day and thank god for that because I had to work. Hubby sent with me, at my request, a Boca burger that I could Microwave of I got hungry. I didn't but I ate it anyway with my Medifast tomato soup. I didn't want a terrible day especially since I might not get to eat on time due to patient flow.

It seems that Medifast is a diet of depravation while still keeping
You nutritionally sound. Some days it is plain miserable and so far its Been worth it. Because I feel good despite hunger some days, and I am losing weight.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This is hard, so very hard

I've been on Medifast for two weeks now and I've lost 7.4 lbs. As weight loss plans go, this one is not the easiest at all. Don't get me wrong when I say that it is not easy because it isn't but it does have some easy aspects. All the food is freeze dried and just needs to be constituted with plain cold water. Some are microwaveable and some you just shake. So it's easy peasy.

What i am finding difficult is the hunger while I am at work. I walk around 85% of my time most 95% of the days I work (sometimes days are easy with hours of ass time) So I find myself getting hungry sooner that the two to three hours between my meals. This is difficult for me.

We had an ice cream social at work due to getting a top grade in patient safety. I was not able to participate in this social because I could not have the ice cream. I stayed in my unit and then the treys of ice cream started rolling in and I watched others eat their two scoops with a variety of toppings. There was much sadness on my part. Not only was I hungry but I couldn't have what everyone else was eating. And it sucked!

I made it through but came home depressed and teary-eyed. Even the "lean green" meal didn't satisfy me. My husband not so difficultly forced some Medifast pudding on me because I was so hungry. And I ended up eating nearly 1000 kcals yesterday.

It's 3:51pm today and I've only has 226 calories despite adding a little veggie shreds (cheddar flavor) to my Medifast South west eggs (which are great on their own) I've has so little because I got up at 9:30 and didn't eat until 11:30 which I'm not supposed to do. I'm supposed to eat within 30 minutes of rising which I hardly ever do especially when I have to work.

My in-laws are here this weekend and they eat regular food and it will be temping to partake in a cold cut sandwich with delicious cheese. Hmmmm cheese. Creamy cheese... Okay, snap out of it!!! We will be going out to dinner tonight at Bonefish grill. I'm sure I can find something appropriate there to eat.

Monday, June 4, 2012

After the first week

It's going well with the Medifast diet. I'm not terribly hungry most days except when I'm working my ass off at work. Then I get hungry.

I got some new foods. The cinnamon roll bars are delicious. So is the tomato soup. And my favorite soup is the chicken with wild rice. It's so good!

I am finding that some of the meals are better prepared with hot water or boiling water instead of cold water than microwave. The oatmeal is better
when made with hot or boiling water,

I also find the shakes more enjoyable when blended with a little crushed ice. I love the dark chocolate, dutch chocolate 55 and the French vanilla 55 shakes.

I love the brownies and the hot chocolate too! I think I'm going to have one right now!